
WATCH: Postecoglou responds to Ben White’s efforts to distract Vicario in north London derby

Ange Postecoglou says he “doesn’t buy into” Ben White’s attempts to distract his goalkeeper Guglielmo Vicario during the north London derby.

White was seen trying to undo the gloves Vicario at a corner-kick during Arsenal’s 3-2 win over Spurs.

But Tottenham boss Postecoglou says White’s antics are not something he is concerned with.

“I have very little interest in that stuff,” Postecoglou said.

“It’s not me casting judgement, but I just don’t really care. I just don’t worry about that stuff. I try and focus on building teams to win things.

“If it’s not going to be that, it’s going to be something else. Who cares, seriously?

“I know it’s great theatre, I understand it, it generates discussion, but whether he’s trying to undo his glove, tickle his armpit, I really don’t care.

“I try and get my players to not worry about that stuff and not focus on that stuff. It’s not important.

“If you want to go down that avenue, what’s he supposed to do? Turn around and throw a punch and knock him out? What does that do? Or tell him please don’t touch my gloves?

“We’re not in the schoolyard, and it’s never been where my focus lies. I don’t care about that stuff.

“To be honest, if I saw one of my players do it, I’d say ‘seriously, get the ball and play some football’. It doesn’t mean it’s a strategy that can’t be used but I just don’t buy into it, I don’t care about it.”

Watch more from Postecoglou here:

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